How to frame the view from room to room in your home

Unless you’re carrying out a major redesign of your home, decorating is often completed one room at a time. It’s a great way to tackle interior design projects. But when you focus on one room, you rarely think about the view from that room into the next, or how to frame a certain view.


But every doorway leads somewhere. It creates a frame for the entrance to the next room. And, like a framed piece of art on the wall, an eye-catching view will entice people in.


So, the next time you start a room makeover, it’s worth considering how to use the doorway to show off the room beyond. And we’re here with some inspiration to help you.


In this blog, we look at some beautiful examples of room views, enhanced by the door frame through which they are seen.


Framing the view





Image credit: Atelier Ellis




In this example, the room is viewed through a dark door frame in the hallway while the walls inside are painted in soft, pale blue and white.


This clever use of light and dark adds a striking contrast between the two rooms, drawing the eye in. Then the room is cleverly dressed with a bold yellow cushion to add a splash of colour that catches your attention.


The view beyond





Image credit: Max Made Me Do It



Here, the door frame has been turned into an eye-catching feature through the use of bold colours, while the view beyond is more subtle.


The designer has used both vibrant wallpaper and a loud green colour on the door frame to create a striking look. It catches the attention and draws the eye to it and, therefore, to the room beyond. It adds a sense of intrigue and captures thoughts of what might be beyond the door frame.


Highlighting the change of room





Image credit: Amberth



This look was created by one of our own designers. Both the door frame and the room beyond are decorated in neutral colours. However, you can still see a natural divide between the hallway and bathroom due to the change of materials, flooring and room colour.


These changes are subtle but enough to acknowledge a change of look, feel and function and create an inviting feel to the bathroom.


If you need help with interior design ideas for your home, contact Amberth, and talk to a member of our team.

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